Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de brush

to brushcepillar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I brushyo cepillo
you brushtú cepillas
he brushesél cepilla
she brushesella cepilla
we brushnosotros cepillamos
you brushvosotros cepilláis
they brushellos cepillan
they brushellas cepillan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I brushedyo cepillé
you brushedtú cepillaste
he brushedél cepilló
she brushedella cepilló
we brushednosotros cepillamos
you brushedvosotros cepillasteis
they brushedellos cepillaron
they brushedellas cepillaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have brushedyo he cepillado
you have brushedtú has cepillado
he has brushedél ha cepillado
she has brushedella ha cepillado
we have brushednosotros hemos cepillado
you have brushedvosotros habéis cepillado
they have brushedellos han cepillado
they have brushedellas han cepillado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had brushedyo había cepillado
you had brushedtú habías cepillado
he had brushedél había cepillado
she had brushedella había cepillado
we had brushednosotros habíamos cepillado
you had brushedvosotros habíais cepillado
they had brushedellos habían cepillado
they had brushedellas habían cepillado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will brushyo cepillaré
you will brushtú cepillarás
he will brushél cepillará
she will brushella cepillará
we will brushnosotros cepillaremos
you will brushvosotros cepillaréis
they will brushellos cepillarán
they will brushellas cepillarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have brushedyo habré cepillado
you will have brushedtú habrás cepillado
he will have brushedél habrá cepillado
she will have brushedella habrá cepillado
we will have brushednosotros habremos cepillado
you will have brushedvosotros habréis cepillado
they will have brushedellos habrán cepillado
they will have brushedellas habrán cepillado

I would brushyo cepillaría
you would brushtú cepillarías
he would brushél cepillaría
she would brushella cepillaría
we would brushnosotros cepillaríamos
you would brushvosotros cepillaríais
they would brushellos cepillarían
they would brushellas cepillarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have brushedyo habría cepillado
you would have brushedtú habrías cepillado
he would have brushedél habría cepillado
she would have brushedella habría cepillado
we would have brushednosotros habríamos cepillado
you would have brushedvosotros habríais cepillado
they would have brushedellos habrían cepillado
they would have brushedellas habrían cepillado

Participio presenteAnotado
brushing cepillando

Participio pasadoAnotado
brushed cepillado

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